Елена Оттовна Арбатская

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Социальный контроль в интернет-коммуникациях (Social control on Internet communication)

Елена Арбатская (Elena Arbatskaya)
Communication on the Internet has become more and more a part of informal social control mechanism. Violations of the social norms, norms of democracy and other social values give Internet journalists and users reasons for creation and spreading messages and discussions, which can serve as a...
Media and Mass Communication,2012, №1( 3), с. 153 - 160.

Социальный контроль в интернет-коммуникациях (Social control on Internet communication)

Елена Арбатская (Elena Arbatskaya)
Communication on the Internet has become more and more a part of informal social control mechanism. Violations of the social norms, norms of democracy and other social values give Internet journalists and users reasons for creation and spreading messages and discussions, which can serve as a...
Media and Mass Communication,2012, №1( 3), с. 153 - 160.

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